On site visit to “Jani Fullani” school in Martanesh

On August 27th, the #shkëndija team kicked off its on-site visits with the current participants of the program. The first visit took place in Martanesh at Gymnasium “Jani Fullani.” Headmaster Morena, along with the students, hosted us and shared their vision for the front school yard.

With 130 students from elementary through gymnasium attending the school, their collective dream is to have a playground where they can enjoy their long breaks. Our visit aimed to engage with the students, gather and discuss their ideas for the playground, and measure the front yard of the school. This information will help us create a master plan for the playground.

The #shkëndija program is part of the “SPARKs: Supporting Civic Activism and Advocacy Initiatives in Albania” project implemented by Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development with the financial support of the Office of Public Relations at the U.S. Embassy-Tirana as part of the “Civil Society Capacity Building” program.

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