Networking Reception II for Alumni and the current #shkëndija program participants

The second Networking Reception in the frame of SPARKs: Supporting Civic Activism and Advocacy Initiatives in Albania project,  took place online, with participation from both Alumni and program participants. Hosted on the Zoom platform, the event served as a space for connecting and briefing attendees about the Exchange Program “Exchanging SPARKs”, lunched in the beginning of September. In addition to providing program details, Xhensila Mirashi, an Alumni from last year’s cohort was invited to share her experience with the current participants and answer their questions.

The final minutes of the meeting were dedicated to National Activism Day (NAD). Alumni and participants were encouraged to join NAD2024, either by attending the Activism Fair on October 31 at Piramida e Tiranës or by organizing local activities in their respective cities.

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