Anxhelina Kano

Anxhelina Kano, completed her bachelor’s and master’s studies in Clinical Psychology at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Tirana. She currently provides psycho-social services in the health field. Anxhelina is a participant in the #Shkëndija program with the aim of giving a voice and information to the pedagogical staff of the preschool system on how to manage situations when the group includes children with special needs, in particular in the autism spectrum. The information, techniques and strategies will be documented in the form of a brochure which was distributed to the educational staff in some kindergartens of the Municipality of Tirana. The focus is on children with special needs to have the highest quality and equal development with other children.
You can familiarize yourself with the orientation material here:

“Stafi Pedagogjik Parashkollor dhe Fëmijët me Nevoja Speciale: Informacion”

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